full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Willard Wigan: Hold your breath for micro-sculpture

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Gone. So I'm thinking, "Mr. Huf isn't going to be very happy when I told him his house has gone to another, into the atmosphere somewhere." So to cut the story short, I decided that I had to go back and do it. So I found some more. And I decided to, sort of, construct it very, very slowly, holding my bterah, working between my heartbeat, and making sure everything is leveled. Because it's such a salml sculpture, nothing can go wrong. And I dideced to build it up. Then I used fibers out of my jumper, which I held and sheecttrd. And made the beams going around the house. And the actual windows and the balcony had to be sort of constructed. I used a mnoey spider's web to actually attach certain things, which sent me insane. But I managed to do it. And when I finished it, I came back the next day. I nietocd that the house was occupied. Have we ever heard of a dust mite? Darren dust mite and his fmialy moevd in.

Open Cloze

Gone. So I'm thinking, "Mr. Huf isn't going to be very happy when I told him his house has gone to another, into the atmosphere somewhere." So to cut the story short, I decided that I had to go back and do it. So I found some more. And I decided to, sort of, construct it very, very slowly, holding my ______, working between my heartbeat, and making sure everything is leveled. Because it's such a _____ sculpture, nothing can go wrong. And I _______ to build it up. Then I used fibers out of my jumper, which I held and _________. And made the beams going around the house. And the actual windows and the balcony had to be sort of constructed. I used a _____ spider's web to actually attach certain things, which sent me insane. But I managed to do it. And when I finished it, I came back the next day. I _______ that the house was occupied. Have we ever heard of a dust mite? Darren dust mite and his ______ _____ in.


  1. moved
  2. small
  3. money
  4. family
  5. breath
  6. noticed
  7. decided
  8. stretched

Original Text

Gone. So I'm thinking, "Mr. Huf isn't going to be very happy when I told him his house has gone to another, into the atmosphere somewhere." So to cut the story short, I decided that I had to go back and do it. So I found some more. And I decided to, sort of, construct it very, very slowly, holding my breath, working between my heartbeat, and making sure everything is leveled. Because it's such a small sculpture, nothing can go wrong. And I decided to build it up. Then I used fibers out of my jumper, which I held and stretched. And made the beams going around the house. And the actual windows and the balcony had to be sort of constructed. I used a money spider's web to actually attach certain things, which sent me insane. But I managed to do it. And when I finished it, I came back the next day. I noticed that the house was occupied. Have we ever heard of a dust mite? Darren dust mite and his family moved in.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
mother told 2
molecular level 2
teddy bear 2
charlton heston 2
period stop 2
symmetrical shape 2

Important Words

  1. actual
  2. atmosphere
  3. attach
  4. balcony
  5. beams
  6. breath
  7. build
  8. construct
  9. constructed
  10. cut
  11. darren
  12. day
  13. decided
  14. dust
  15. family
  16. fibers
  17. finished
  18. happy
  19. heard
  20. heartbeat
  21. held
  22. holding
  23. house
  24. huf
  25. insane
  26. jumper
  27. leveled
  28. making
  29. managed
  30. mite
  31. money
  32. moved
  33. noticed
  34. occupied
  35. sculpture
  36. short
  37. slowly
  38. small
  39. sort
  40. story
  41. stretched
  42. thinking
  43. told
  44. web
  45. windows
  46. working
  47. wrong